Sounds for Sad Souls- gothic music we love.

Sounds for Sad Souls- gothic music we love.

I listen to loads of music here at The Last Kult- it's a vital component of the creative process, so I'm always on the hunt for new gothic music to listen to, and by that, I mean music that is gothic in sound, though not necessarily by bands or musicians who would label themselves as goth.

People may think that we listen only to songs that fall within the goth genre, but my experience is that many have fairly eclectic tastes (I once knew a goth guy who was a massive Abba fan; go figure!) so looking outside our niche can surface some audio gems that I want to share (along with new music from bands that are firmly goth) and will hopefully appeal to other sad souls out there.

For the first installment I'd love to bring you 'Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends' by Sonic Area, a self described electro-indus-experimental-cinematic project by Frenchman Arnaud Coëffic.

 Sonic Area has been around for a while, but this particular track is from the 2012 album 'Music For Ghosts' which has a suitable haunting and eerie sound.


For the full album;

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